Technical Program
Plenary Sessions

Talk Title: What industry wants from research
Speaker: Paul Agnew

Talk Title: What research can deliver for industry
Speaker: Murray Hitzman

Talk Title: Exploration—the role of innovation
Speaker: John F.H. Thompson

Talk Title: High-resolution VNIR-SWIR core logging; a revolutionary new tool for exploration, mining, and research
Speaker: Anthony Harris

Talk Title: The emergence and continuing evolution of geometallurgy: What every economic geologist should know about improving project value
Speaker: Steve Walters

Talk Title: Mineral sector value and risk in 4D: Discovery to dismantling
Speakers: Allan Trench, John P. Sykes (SGA Lecture)

Talk Title: New insight into the links between major porphyry copper, IOCG, and magnetite-apatite deposits from the Gällivare area, northern Sweden
Speakers: David Drejing-Carroll, Tobias Bauer, Peter Karlsson, David Coller, Roger Nordin, Murray Hitzman, Rodney Allen

Talk Title: Developments in seafloor mineralization of intraoceanic arcs
Speaker: Cornel de Ronde

Talk Title: Trace element contents of magmatic sulfide and oxide minerals—how can we use this information in ore deposits studies?
Speaker: Sarah-Jane Barnes
(2015 SEG Distinguished Lecturer)
Trifecta Talks on Discovery, Exploration, and Geometallurgy

Talk Title: Olympic Dam IOCG deposit (BHP Billiton)
Speakers: Kathy Ehrig, Douglas Haynes

Talk Title: Red Dog: From Discovery to Recovery Above the Arctic Circle (Teck)
Speakers: Andrew Davies, Nick Hayward, Anelda van Staden

Talk Title: Pebble porphyry deposit (Northern Dynasty Minerals)
Speakers: James Lang, Brian McNulty, Cassady Harraden

Talk Title: Unlocking the giant Ladolam gold deposit from discovery through to recovery (Newcrest)
Speakers: Nicholas Fitzpatrick, William Clarke, Karyn Gardner
Controversies (Wednesday, September 30, 2015)
Part 1: 20 Minutes Talks (2:30 pm - 3:30 pm)
Speakers: Ross Large, Victor Wall, Larry Meinert
Break (3:30 pm - 4:00 pm)
Part 2: Panel Discussion With Audience (2:30 pm - 3:30 pm)
Moderator: Mark Hannington
Panel Members: Ross Large, Larry Meinert, Victor Wall, Nicholas Oliver, Jim Mungall, Murray Hitzman
Thematic Technical Sessions

Theme 1: Ores in subduction-related arcs: new examples; relations and controls
(Coordinator: David R. Cooke)
Talk Title: Trace elements in pyrite in the Lepanto high sulfidation epithermal deposit, Philippines, and genetic implications
Speakers: Zhaoshan Chang, J. Hedenquist, N. White, D. Cooke, L. Burley
Talk Title: Dynamics of fluid pathways and fluid flow in intrusion-related hydrothermal systems: insights from ore deposits, seismicity and numerical modelling
Speakers: Stephen Cox, A. Flatten, D. Beck
Talk Title: Overview of the tectonic setting and geology of porphyry copper-gold deposits along the eastern Sunda Magmatic Arc, Indonesia
Speaker: Adi Maryono
Talk Title: Stretched to the limit: an extensional detachment setting for the Gosowong epithermal goldfield, Halmahera, Indonesia
Speakers: David Selley, N. Jansen, D. Silitonga, A. Bambang, D. Wardiman, N. Fitzpatrick, A. Harris
Talk Title: Hydrothermal transport of Ag, Au, Cu, Te, and other metals in high-temperature geothermal systems, North Island, New Zealand: Implications for genesis and exploration of epithermal deposits
Speakers: Stuart Simmons, K. Brown, B. Tutolo
Talk Title: Hypogene and exotic copper mineralization at the Mercedario porphyry copper prospect, Central Andes, Argentina
Speaker: Alan Wilson
Talk Title: Hydrothermal alteration of carbonaceous mudstones hosting the Eskay Creek Au deposit, British Columbia
Speaker: Tom Meuzelaar, T. Monecke

Theme 2: Ores in sedimentary environments: new examples; sources, transport, deposition and hydrology
(Coordinator: Ross Large)
Talk Title: Are there Carlin-type gold deposits in China? Similarities and differences between deposits of Guizhou, China, and Nevada, USA
Speakers: Jean Cline, Z. Xie, Y. Xia
Talk Title: The Luxi gold belt of southwest China's Yunnan Province: A true analogue for "Carlin" (Nevada) style gold mineralization?
Speaker: Lee Barker
Talk Title: Still stuck in the mud: Reevaluation of stratiform gold in the Upper Popovich Formation, northern Carlin trend, Nevada
Speakers: Robert Scott, P. Emsbo, K. Goemann
Talk Title: Fingerprinting mineralization in the North Australia craton during the amalgamation and breakup of the Nuna/Columbia Supercontinent
Speakers: Alexis Lambeck, D. Huston, G. Gibson, K. Barovich
Talk Title: The trace element content of sedimentary pyrite in the Neoarchean, an example from the mineralized St Ives Au district and the unmineralized Bee Gorge Member: Implications for future gold exploration
Speakers: Daniel Gregory, R. Large, J. Steadman, S. Wu, L. Danyushevsky, S. Bull, P. Holden, T. Ireland
Talk Title: Chemistry of pyrite from the Selwyn basin area, Yukon: From established SEDEX zinc district to emerging sediment-hosted gold district
Speakers: Patrick Sack, R. Large, M. Nordling, E. Loumejeva, L. Danyushevsky
Talk Title: Ore controls in the White Mountain breccia-hosted gold deposit, Jilin Province, northeastern China
Speakers: Halley Keevil, T. Monecke, R. Goldfarb, G. Collins, T. Feng, T. Baker
Talk Title: A new genetic model for mineralization in the Irish Zn-Pb Orefield
Speakers: Jamie Wilkinson, M. Hitzman
Talk Title: Hot and acidic—the geochemistry of vent fluids from shale-hosted massive sulfide deposits at Macmillan Pass, Selwyn Basin
Speakers: Joseph Mangall, S. Gleeson, S. Paradis
Talk Title: Sediment-hosted Cu in Zambia: Mineralization controlled by ductile deformation, basin architecture, or both?
Speakers: Clemens Augenstein, D. Wood, M. Hitzman, J. Beeson, D. Jack
Talk Title: Implications of Paleozoic flora and fauna in the northern Katanga Basin for sedimentation and mineralization in the Central African Copperbelt
Speakers: Timothy Ireland, I. Stefanov, W. Zukowski, T. Jelezarsky
Talk Title: Primary metal enrichment at the black-shale hosted Talvivaara Ni-Zn-Cu-Co-U deposit, Finland: links to Paleoproterozoic seawater?
Speakers: Sean Johnson, R. Large, P. McGoldrick, A. Boyce, S. Meffre, A. Kontinen
Talk Title: Rethinking models for Phanerozoic orogenic gold deposits
Speakers: James Mortensen, D. Craw, D. MacKenzie, M. Allan, R. Chapman

Theme 3: Magmatic deposits: new examples; characteristics and mechanisms
(Coordinator: Stephen Barnes)
Talk Title: Sulfur transfer into mafic magma from sediment—Reaction of sedimentary sulfides with and into mafic magmas
Speakers: Sarah-Jane Barnes, N. Samalens
Talk Title: Evidence for fluid- and gas-driven magmatic Ni-Fe-Cu-PGE-rich sulfide ore deposition associated with mantle metasomatism in the Valmaggia ultramafic pipe, Ivrea-Verbano, Italy
Speakers: Marilena Moroni, M. Fiorentini, S. Caruso, M. Frezzotti, G. Sessa
Talk Title: The Vologochan deposit as a new important Cu-Ni-PGE source in the Noril'sk district, Russia: Geological structure, mineralogy, and geochemistry
Speakers: Nadezhda Krivolutskaya, A. Sobolev, K. Malitch, S. Sluzhenikin, D. Kuzmin, I. Badanina, N. Svirskaya
Talk Title: The Avebury nickel deposit, Tasmania, Australia: Further insights into the genesis of a significant unconventional nickel sulfide deposit
Speakers: Reid Keays, B. Mackay-Scollay
Talk Title: Petrogenesis of the ferrogabbroic intrusions and associated Fe-Ti-V mineralization within the McFaulds greenstone belt, Superior Province, Ontario, Canada
Speakers: Peter Hollings, B. Kuzmich, M. Houlé
Talk Title: A quantitative analysis of the Ni-Cu-PGE–bearing Parkin and Trill offset dikes, Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada
Speakers: Adam Coulter, G. Osinski, M. Bertelli, A. McDonald, J. Bailey, A. Penték, D. Smith
Talk Title: Spinel formation during thermomechanical erosion of footwall basalt beneath a sulfide melt pool at the komatiite-hosted Ni-Cu(-PGE) Moran deposit, Kambalda, Western Australia
Speakers: Sebastian Staude, L. LeVaillant, S. Barnes
Talk Title: A new type of PGE-rich sulfide mineralization in the lower troctolites from the Yoko-Dovyren layered intrusion (Southern Siberia, Russia)
Speakers: Leonid Danyushevsky, A. Ariskin, G. Nikolaev, E. Kislov, S. Gilbert, K. Goemann, D. Hutchinson, A. Malyshev
Talk Title: Effects of serpentinization on dunite-hosted disseminated Ni sulfide ore, Agnew-Wiluna belt, Western Australia
Speaker: Martin Gole
Talk Title: Concentrating sulfide melts in active magma pathways using chaotic mixing
Speakers: Jess Robertson, S. Barnes, G. Metcalfe
Talk Title: Crustal-scale magma flow networks and magmatic ore deposits: predicting needles in haystacks
Speakers: Alexander Cruden, S. Barnes, B. Saumur, J. van Otterloo
Talk Title: Physical controls of nucleation, growth, and migration of vapor bubbles in partially molten cumulates
Speakers: James Mungall
Talk Title: Sulfur and metal fertilization of the lower continental crust
Speakers: Marco Fiorentini, M. Locmelis, J. Adam, T. Rushmer, F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti, Z. Vukmanovic, S. Caruso, M. Moroni, S. Barnes, S. Reddy, B. Godel

Theme 4: Geometallurgy through the mining chain
(Coordinator: Julie Hunt)
Talk Title: Embracing step-changes in geoscientific inputs for effective implementation of geometallurgy
Speakers: Stephen Coward, H. Pass
Talk Title: Geometallurgy at Tropicana: Mine to mill implementation
Speakers: Peter Ketelaar, B. Catto, M. Carey, D. Lawie
Talk Title: Application of GeoMet to iron ore mine geology and planning at BHP Billiton Iron Ore
Speakers: Bryan Wright, A. Rigby, T. Sua, M. Flanagan, B. Van Dijken
Talk Title: Using geochemistry to inform geometallurgy at the Productora Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Chile
Speakers: Angela Escolme, R. Berry, J. Hunt, W. Potma
Talk Title: Establishing the geometallurgical flow sheet for industrial mineral operations
Speakers: Aleksandra Lang, S. Løve Ellefmo, K. Aasly
Talk Title: The geometallurgy of arsenic in copper ores: An analysis of ore supply vs. smelter treatment capacity and implications for exploration models and deposit valuations
Speaker: Alan Riles
Talk Title: Using assay data to map mineralogy and alteration to help develop a predictive geometallurgical model for the Taca Taca Cu-Mo-Au porphyry deposit, Argentina
Speakers: Gisela Cobeñas, S. Halley

Theme 5: Post-collisional ores: new examples; characteristics, relationships and genesis
(Coordinator: Anthony Harris)
Talk Title: High-precision Re-Os molybdenite ages for porphyry- and skarn-style Cu-Au mineralization at Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea
Speakers: Peter Pollard, R. Smillie, H. Stein, D. Hastings
Talk Title: Tourmaline mineral chemistry as a tool to discriminate mineralized from barren Sn granites from western Tasmania, Australia
Speakers: Wei Hong, D. Cooke, L. Zhang, N. Fox, J. Thompson
Talk Title: Nanoparticles are the key to forming giant gold deposits
Speakers: Mark Pearce, M. Gazley, L. Fisher, M. Saunders, R. Hough, C. Kong
Talk Title: Origin of postcollisional porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in the Eastern Gangdese belt, southern Tibet
Speakers: Rui Wang, J. Richards, Z. Hou, Z. Yang
Talk Title: Propylitic alteration and metal mobility in porphyry systems: A case study of the Northparkes porphyry Cu-Au deposits, NSW, Australia
Speakers: Adam Pacey, J. Wilkinson, D. Cooke
Talk Title: High-K to shoshonitic magmatism across the northern Archean Kéména Man margin (Guinea): Implications for the late Eburnean orogenic gold mineralization
Speakers: Aurélien Elinger, N. Thébaud, J. Davie, J. Miller, A. Zeh, C. McCuaig, E. Belousova
Talk Title: High magmatic water content disproves genesis of postcollisional copper ore-forming high Sr/Y magmas by dehydration melting of lower crust
Speakers: Yongjun Lu, R. Loucks, M. Fiorentini, Z. Yang, Z. Hou

Theme 6: IOCG and magnetite-apatite deposits: similarities, differences, controls and genesis
(Coordinator: Garry Davidson)
Talk Title: Shallow to deep crustal controls on localization of Mesoproterozoic iron oxide copper-gold-rare earth element deposits in southeast Missouri (USA): Evidence from gravity and magnetic data
Speakers: Anne McCafferty, J. Phillips
Talk Title: A process-based explanation for IOCG diversity
Speaker: Nicholas Oliver
Talk Title: The Cairn Hill magnetite-sulfide deposit, Mount Woods inlier, South Australia: Ore genesis and spatial-temporal relationships with iron oxide copper-gold systems in the Gawler craton
Speakers: Jesse Clark, N. Cook, A. Reid, A. Fabris , C. Ciobanu, P. Hill
Talk Title: The magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the El Laco recent iron oxide deposit
Speakers: Fernando Tornos, F. Velasco, J. Hanchar
Talk Title: The supergiant Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag ore deposit: Toward a new genetic model
Speakers: Vadim Kamenetsky, K. Ehrig, R. Maas, S. Meffre, M. Kamenetsky, J. McPhie, O. Apukhtina, Q. Huang, J. Thompson, C. Ciobanu, N. Cook
Talk Title: The evolution and potential sources of mineralizing fluids of the E1 Group of IOCG deposits, Cloncurry district, northwest Queensland, Australia: Implications from fluid inclusion and SHRIMP S isotope analyses
Speakers: George Case, Z. Chang, J. Huizenga, R. Lilly, T. Blenkinsop
Talk Title: Fe-Cu mineralization in the Paleozoic Aqishan-Yamansu belt, Eastern Tianshan, China: comparison to the Mesozoic Central Andean IOCG mineralization and Chilean Iron Belt
Speakers: Huayong Chen, J. Han, X. Xiong
Talk Title: Insights into zonation within the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit from trace element signatures of sulfide minerals
Speakers: Nigel Cook, C. Ciobanu, K. Ehrig
Talk Title: End-Permian mineralized phreatomagmatic pipes of the Tunguska Basin: volcanogenic IOCG deposits linked with the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province
Speakers: Alexander Polozov, H. Svensen, S. Planke, D. Jerram
Talk Title: The potential of iron oxide U-Pb geochronology—examples from the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit, South Australia
Speakers: Cristiana Ciobanu, N. Cook, K. Ehrig, B. Wade, V. Kamenetsky
Talk Title: Volcanosedimentary and chronostratigraphic architecture of the host rock succession at Prominent Hill, South Australia
Speakers: Stuart Bull, S. Meffre, M. Allen, H. Freeman, M. Tomkinson, P. Williams
Talk Title: Mineralization and paragenesis of the South Vulcan IOCG prospect, South Australia
Speakers: Gregory Clarke, G. Davidson, S. Bull, R. Smith, M. Croaker

Theme 7: Iron ore
(Coordinator: Vicky Hough)
Talk Title: The Fortescue Group basalts: The source of Australia's iron ore?
Speakers: Alistair White, R. Smith, M. leGras, P. Nadoll
Talk Title: Hypogene alteration as a precursor to supergene enrichment—a new style of iron ore mineralization in the Pilbara, Western Australia
Speakers: Matthew Crowe, L. Bargiev, D. Tuck
Talk Title: An oxygen and carbon isotope study of fluid flow in the high-grade iron ore deposits (>63 wt % Fe) of the southern Hamersley province
Speakers: Warren Thorne, S. Hagemann
Talk Title: Inversion of the Ashburton basin margin and structurally controlled hypogene iron ore deposits of the Hamersley basin
Speakers: Cam Quinn, D. Kepert
Talk Title: A metallogenic study of high grade iron ores on North Baffin Island in the Granulite Facies domain south of the Central Borden Fault Zone
Speakers: Jonathan Hey, N. Duke, D. Moser, T. Iannelli
Talk Title: The structural evolution and hypogene origin of the Nyidinghu iron ore deposit, Hamersley province
Speakers: Doug Kepert, C. Quinn, C. Fowers

Theme 8: SGA Session on exploration under cover
(Coordinator: Roger Skirrow)
Talk Title: Complex mineral systems and scale reduction in mineral exploration under cover: Can prospecting drilling bridge the critical gap between camp and deposit scale?
Speakers: David Giles, R. Hillis, A. Fabris, S. van der Wielen, J. Cleverley, S. Halley
Talk Title: Crustal architecture and under cover exploration: The Granites-Tanami Orogen example
Speakers: David Stevenson, L. Iaccheri, L. Bagas, C. McCuaig, A. Aitken
Talk Title: Using 3D computational modeling to represent deep structures and facilitate ore prediction: An example from Tongling orefield, China
Speakers: Liangming Liu, W. Cao, J. Wang
Talk Title: Discovery to evaluation in a mature brownfields terrane: A case history of exploration in the Northparkes district, NSW, Australia
Speakers: Jonathon Hoye, J. Wellard
Talk Title: Multiscale detection of buried mineralization through transported cover
Speakers: Robert Hough, R. Anand
Talk Title: Lithospheric electrical resistivity heterogeneity: A vector to mineralization
Speakers: Graham Heinson, P. Soeffky, S. Thiel
Talk Title: Ongoing discovery in the gold deposits at Dead Bullock Soak, Tanami Orogen, Northern Territory: The emergence of a world-class gold camp
Speakers: Matthew Baggott, S. Schmeider, J. Prendergast, C. Robinson, P. Sivwright

Theme 9: Mining geology
(Coordinator: Margaretha Scott)
Talk Title: The impact of collaborative research to the mining value chain
Speakers: Colin Moorhead, A. Harris
Talk Title: Applications of UAVs in mining geology and mineral exploration
Speakers: Steffan A. Vollgger, S. Micklethwaite, A. Cruden
Talk Title: Exploring for ore
Speaker: Dan Wood
Talk Title: Value creation as a guide for advanced exploration at Conchi porphyry copper deposit, Chile: A case study and methodology for integration of technical and economic variables
Speakers: Aquiles Gonzalez, R. Aguirre, F. Bernal
Talk Title: Deformation and stratigraphic architecture of the Golden Grove volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Western Australia
Speakers: Anthony Morey, S. Gawlinski, S. Neal, J. Vearncombe, M. Van Heerden, L. Williams, T. King
Talk Title: Mount Isa Mines: Exploration from a mining perspective
Speaker: Daniel Taylor
Talk Title: Challenges of accurately characterizing the ore and host rocks of deep mineral discoveries
Speakers: Anthony Webster, T. Murphy
Talk Title: Engineering geology applied to rock mechanics and planning process during cave mining at the El Teniente mine
Speakers: Andres Brzovic, P. Schachter, J. Seguel, A. Alvarez, K. Baraona