FT03 - VHMS and Granite-Related Ore Deposits of Western Tasmania
Date: September 22-27, 2015
Location: Departing from and returning to Wrest Point Hotel | Hobart, TAS, Australia
Leaders: Andrew McNeill, Bruce Gemmell, Ralph Bottrill (co-leader)
Western Tasmania has undergone two major metallogenic episodes that have resulted in the occurrence of many significant base metal and tin deposits within a small (~250-km-long) region. The major geologic feature that hosts the copper, gold, and base metal deposits is the Cambrian submarine Mt Read Volcanic belt, whereas the tin deposits mainly formed where a Devonian granite belt intruded basement carbonate sequences, producing proximal and distal skarns. The field trip to this area will provide the opportunity to visit several of the well studied Cambrian VHMS and Devonian granite-related deposits (including the Mt Lyell Cu-Au field, Renison (Sn), Rosebery-Hercules (Pb-Zn) and Henty (Au)) as well as some of the less well known deposits (Avebury (Ni), Kara (Fe-W) of the district.
The field trip charge covers accommodation on all nights away from Hobart, and includes breakfast and lunch. Dinner is only covered on the last night. Please note, the accommodation currently assumes that participants will be placed in dual occupancy rooms, and if this arrangement is not satisfactory participants should modify their booking personally and pay an extra charge to the accommodation for a different room style.
Flights/Airfare: Not included in cost of trip.
Attendee Maximum: 18