Submit an Abstract
Abstract submission closed as of April 1, 2015 and are currently under review.
Key Dates - All dates Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Notification of Acceptance: The week of May 18, 2015 (AEST)
Presenter Registration Deadline: June 30, 2015 (AEST)

Invitation to Submit
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the joint SEG-CODES Conference to be held in Hobart, TAS, Australia, September 27-30, 2015.
The theme of the SEG 2015 Conference is World-Class Ore Deposits: Discovery to Recovery. The Conference will combine exploration/discovery and deposit geology with geometallurgy for a range of deposit types and major mines/deposits. No previous SEG Conference has included geometallurgy at this level, and we recognize that it is becoming a very important aspect of the economic geosciences. The technical program will focus on those areas of academic research in economic geology that lead to the important practical issues of improved exploration concepts, discovery, mine geology and recovery (geometallurgy).
The Conference will feature Invited Keynote Speakers, Invited Speakers, to present "trifecta" talks that will include three separate and coordinated talks on the discovery, geology and geometallurgy of four styles of world-class ore deposits. Key sub-theme sessions drawn from submitted abstracts will cater for a variety of deposit styles and environments. The three days of technical talks will be supplemented by related poster sessions, with dedicated time in the technical program.
We look forward to receiving your abstract and meeting with you in Hobart in September 2015.

J. Bruce Gemmell
Chair, SEG 2015 Conference Organizing Committee
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (up to 500 words) for possible inclusion in the Conference program. A Word template (below) is provided for the submission of abstracts. Abstracts are due by midnight, April 1, 2015 (AEST) and are to be submitted electronically via the SEG 2015 Presentation Portal. Abstracts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors will be notified of acceptance the week of May 18, 2015 (AEST).
All accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Conference proceedings. When submitting your abstract you will be asked to confirm copyright assignment. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fee for the Conference.
Other than in exceptional circumstances and at the Organizing Committee's discretion, each registrant may only be the principal presenter for one oral presentation but may be the principal presenter for more than one poster. Co-presenters are allowed, but they must also be registered for the Conference.
Conference Themes
Abstracts are invited in the following theme areas (session chairs in parentheses):
- Theme 1: Ores in subduction-related arcs: new examples; relations and controls (David Cooke)
- Theme 2: Ores in sedimentary environments: new examples; sources, transport, deposition and hydrology (Ross Large)
- Theme 3: Magmatic deposits: new examples; characteristics and mechanisms (Steve Barnes)
- Theme 4: Geometallurgy through the mining chain (Julie Hunt)
- Theme 5: Post-collisional ores: new examples; characteristics, relationships and genesis (Anthony Harris)
- Theme 6: IOCG and magnetite-apatite deposits: similarities, differences, controls and genesis (Garry Davidson)
- Theme 7: Iron deposits (Victoria Hough)
- Theme 8: Exploration under cover (Roger Skirrow-SGA Session)
- Theme 9: Mining geology (Margie Scott)
Presentation Format

We invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations (details below). While you will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation format, the Program Committee may accept the abstract in the alternative format. The Program Committee will allocate accepted abstracts to the program, taking into account the quality of each abstract, the balance of the program and the relevance to the overall Conference theme and sub-themes.
Oral Presentations
It is anticipated oral presentations will be allocated 15 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for questions.
Posters will be displayed for up to two days at the Conference. Each poster will be allocated a panel and the poster must not exceed A0 portrait size - 118.9cm high x 84.1cm wide (46.8" high x 33.1" wide). Authors will be asked to attend their poster during a dedicated poster viewing session to discuss the poster with other attendees. Please print and bring the poster with you to the Conference. A PDF of the poster will also be required and must be submitted via the Presentation Portal by August 31, 2015 (AEST).
Student Support

SEG Student Members are eligible to apply for financial support to attend the Conference if your abstract is accepted. Not all students with an accepted abstract will receive support; financial assistance will be at the discretion of the SEG 2015 Organizing Committee and subject to available funds. When selecting your preferred presentation format, while submitting your abstract, there will be an option for Student Member (e.g. oral presentation - Student Member). If you do not select one of the Student Member options you will not be considered for financial assistance.
Submission Procedure
- Prepare your abstract: Prepare your abstract using the abstract template (below)
- Enter your contact details: Visit the Presentation Portal by clicking "Submit an Abstract" (below)
- Enter your abstract details: Enter the details for each abstract you are submitting and upload the associated Word document
Abstract Details

For each abstract you submit you will be asked to enter the following information:
- Presentation title
- Preferred presentation format
- Theme
- Copyright transfer/consent to distribute
- Name(s) of author(s)
- Affiliation(s) of author(s)
- Presenter
- Short biography of the presenter
Presentation Files
Video and audio clips should be embedded in your PowerPoint slides rather than linking to external files.
Presenters will take their PowerPoint slides to the Conference on a USB memory stick, where an audiovisual technician will load your presentation.
All slides will be run from a central presentation computer. However, if you have a complex presentation, which includes multiple media files, we suggest you bring your own laptop as a backup in case of difficulties loading your presentation.
Presenter Registration
All presenters will be required to register for the Conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs (subject to student support). Registration deadline is midnight, June 30, 2015 (AEST).
Audiovisual Equipment
Each lecture room will be equipped for the presentation of PowerPoint slides and include a data projector, computer (with external speakers), lectern, and microphone. Other audiovisual aids, such as overhead projectors, are not available.
Contact and Support
Questions regarding theme and content of abstracts may be addressed to the following Organizing Committee member:
Oral Presentations: Noel White |
Posters/Students: Patrick Sack |
For Presentation Portal support or questions about abstract submission, please contact the SEG 2015 Conference Secretariat