Submit an Abstract
Abstract submission is closed as of March 31, 2016, and are currently under review. You may still view your submitted abstract by logging in to the abstract submission website.
Key Dates - All dates and times in Turkey (EEST, GMT+2 hrs)
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: Prior to end of April 2016
Presenter Registration Deadline: midnight, June 30 July 31, 2016
Upload PDFs of Oral or Poster Presentations: midnight, August 31, 2016

Invitation to Submit
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the joint SEG-MJD 2016 Conference, to be held in Çeşme, Turkey, on September 25-28, 2016. The conference theme is Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny, the first time a conference and accompanying publication have considered this broad topic.
The Tethyan belt is one of the world's most extensive tectonic and metallogenic belts, extending from Europe across Turkey and Asia Minor, through Iran and Tibet to the Malay peninsula, a distance of 12,000+ km. The SEG 2016 Conference will focus on Tethyan ore deposits and their orogenic settings, including arc magmatism and collisional tectonics, ophiolite obduction, and later-stage sedimentary basin and supergene environments. This integration will contribute to a better understanding of the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of this economically productive region.
This conference will attract attendees from around the world, including executives, managers, professionals, researchers, and outstanding university students who work on ore deposits and their settings. The technical program will consist of introductory and closing plenary sessions, and two parallel sessions over four half-days that focus on two overlapping themes: a) regional tectonics and evolution of the Tethyan belt, and b) metallogeny and ore deposits of the various sectors of the region. Submitted papers on the theme of the conference will be built around a group of invited speakers.
We welcome you to SEG 2016, in Turkey, where you will find a great combination of history, culture, gastronomic delights, and of course, world-class mineral deposits, in what is the Cradle of Mining.

Dr. Mesut Soylu (SEG 1997 F), Chair
SEG 2016 Organizing Committee
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (up to 500 words) for possible inclusion in the conference program. Abstracts are due by midnight, March 31, 2015 (EEST) and are to be uploaded electronically via the abstract submission website. Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the technical committee for their scientific validity and comprehension in English. Authors will be notified of acceptance prior to the end of April, 2016.
All accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the SEG 2016 Conference Proceedings. After abstract acceptance, you will be asked to confirm copyright assignment. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fee for the conference prior to midnight, June 30 July 31, 2016 (EEST).
Each registrant may only be the presenter of either one talk or one poster. People are limited to being first author of only one abstract submitted to the conference, either a talk or a poster. In the event of a first author or presenter being listed on more than one abstract, only the first abstract submitted will be considered.
Conference Themes
Abstracts are invited, for talks or posters, on the following themes :
- Theme 1: Introduction and integration: Tethyan tectonics and metallogeny
- Theme 2: Western, central and eastern Tethyan metallogeny
- Theme 3: Tethyan ocean tectonics
- Theme 4: Tethyan arc tectonics
- Theme 5: Tethyan collisional tectonics
- Theme 6: Sedimentary and supergene ore deposits
- Theme 7: Cradle of mining: Tethyan ore deposits
- Theme 8: Recent discoveries in the Tethyan belt
In addition, submissions are also invited on all other topics of economic geology and ore deposits as well as related tectonics outside the Tethyan region. These submissions will be considered for poster presentation.
Presentation Format

We invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations (details on the abstract submission website). You may indicate a preference for talk, poster, or either, but note that only abstracts on the theme of the conference, Tethyan Tectonics and Metallogeny, will be considered for oral presentation. It is likely that there will be more abstracts accepted that prefer oral presentation than spaces allow. Due to a limitation of speaker positions, some authors who submit an abstract for a talk may be moved to a poster presentation.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations of submitted abstracts will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions, 20 minutes total. All speakers must submit a PowerPoint of their talk to the speaker ready room by the afternoon of the day before their session, preferably on a USB flash drive (memory stick). A PDF of the slide presentation that accompanies your talk will also be required and must be submitted by August 31, 2015 (EEST). We will provide instructions for uploading to all authors of accepted talks.
Poster Presentations
Poster presentations will be displayed for the full period of the conference, and can be put up starting midday on the first day of student events. Each poster must fit the panel size, which will be indicated in the instructions to accepted presenters. Authors must attend their poster during all dedicated poster-viewing sessions to discuss the poster with other attendees. Please print and bring the poster with you to the conference. A PDF of your poster will also be required and must be submitted by August 31, 2015 (EEST). We will provide upload instructions to all authors of accepted posters.
Student Support

SEG and MJD student members are eligible to apply for financial support to attend the conference if their abstract is accepted, although decisions will be subject to available funds. There is an option during registration for abstract submission to identify yourself as an SEG or MJD student member; you will also need to list your SEG Member ID or MJD student number. If you do not complete the SEG or MJD student information you will not be considered for financial assistance.
Submission Procedure
- Prepare your abstract: Prepare your abstract as a Word document (maximum 500 words; no figures or tables), and have it reviewed by colleagues, both for its scientific content and for the English. Abstracts must be scientifically valid and the English clearly understood to be considered for acceptance.
- Register: Visit the abstract submission website and enter your contact details.
- Enter your abstract details: After registering, enter the details for the abstract you are submitting, including authors and addresses, then paste your edited and completed abstract into the space for the abstract. Once you submit the abstract for review, it cannot be cancelled online. Notify the technical committee chair if you wish to cancel after submitting an abstract.
Presenter Registration

All authors whose abstracts are accepted are required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee, to confirm that they intend to attend the conference. Authors who submit abstracts and have these accepted for presentation will need to cover their own travel and accommodation costs (subject to student support). Registration deadline is midnight, June 30 July 31, 2016 (EEST).
Each lecture room will be equipped with a computer for presentation of PowerPoint slides, a projector, lectern, laser pointer, and microphone plus speakers. There will be no other audiovisual aids.
Posters will be mounted on panels. Presenters of posters will receive instructions regarding poster size.
Please review the information on this page before uploading your abstract.
Authors can edit abstracts that are uploaded and saved. However, after an abstract is submitted (the final step), it can no longer be edited.
Contact and Support
Questions regarding theme and content of abstracts may be addressed to the following Organizing Committee members:
Technical Program Chair: İlkay Kuşcu |
Technical Program Assistant Chair: Jeffrey Hedenquist |