Organizing Committee
The success of a society conference depends on a strong partnership between volunteers, meeting planners, and staff. The members of the SEG 2016 Organizing Committee are a dedicated and energetic group of mostly volunteers who represent the makeup of the Society in terms of industry, academia, governmental, and non-profit organizations. SEG thanks all of these individuals and their respective organizations for their commitment to planning this important event.

Mesut Soylu
Conference Chair

Stephen Enders
Conference Vice-Chair

Brian Hoal
Executive Director

İlkay Kuşcu
Technical Program

Jeremy Richards
Special Publication

Bayram Artun
Field Trips

Richard Tosdal
Short Courses

Cengiz Demirci
Student Programs

Mehmet Deveci
Social Events

Arda Arcasoy
Invitation to Attend

The Tethyan belt is one of the world's most extensive tectonic and metallogenic belts, extending from Europe across Turkey and Asia Minor, through Iran and Tibet to the Malay peninsula. The SEG-MJD 2016 Conference will focus on collisional tectonics of the Tethyan Orogeny and ophiolite obduction, Cretaceous and Tertiary Tethyan arc magmatism, and later-stage Tethyan sedimentary basin and supergene environment development in an integrated approach to better understand the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of this economically productive region.
This conference will attract attendees from around the world, including executives, managers, professionals, researchers, and outstanding university students who work on ore deposits and their settings. The technical program will consist of introductory and closing plenary sessions, and two parallel sessions over four half-days that focus on two overlapping themes: a) regional tectonics and evolution of the Tethyan belt, and b) metallogeny and ore deposits of the various sectors of the region. Submitted papers on the theme of the conference will be built around a group of invited speakers.
In addition, there will be one- to two-day-long pre- and post-conference short courses covering topics that will include epithermal and porphyry ore deposits, structural geology, physical volcanology, and applied exploration geophysics and geochemistry. There will also be pre- and post-conference field trips in Turkey and the Balkans to a broad spectrum of Tethyan base and precious metal deposits, including epithermal Au-Ag, porphyry Au and Cu-Au, skarns, and Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits, as well as the world's most significant borate reserves, located in Turkey.
The conference venue is the Sheraton Çeşme Hotel, Resort, and Spa, located on one of Turkey's most alluring white sand beaches next to the turquoise Aegean Sea. The area is famous for its seafood, spa hotels, archeological sites, and water sports. Guest activities will include tours to UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Ephesus and Cappadocia, as well as wine tasting tours at local vineyards.
We will be pleased to welcome you to SEG 2016, in Turkey, where you will find a great combination of culture, history, gastronomic delights, and of course, world-class mineral deposits.

Dr. Mesut Soylu (SEG 1997 F), Chair
SEG 2016 Organizing Committee