Field Trips Archive
The number of places available is limited for the following events.
Preference will be given to SEG 2016 Conference registrants.
Pre-Conference Field Trips
Post-Conference Field Trips

The number of places available is limited for the following events.
Preference will be given to SEG 2016 Conference registrants.
Date: September 20-24, 2016
Location: Departing from and returning to İzmir, Turkey
Leader: Nuri Ceyhan | M.Sc. Principal Geologist, Teck Madencilik A.S. (Subsidary of Teck Resources)
Biga Peninsula in northwestern Turkey, located within the Tethyan metallogenic belt, is an emerging gold-copper district with a number of new discoveries in the last two decades. Mineral deposits of the Biga Peninsula district are dominated by magmatic arc-related hydrothermal systems. Epithermal Au-Ag (HS and LS), porphyry Au-Cu-Mo and base-metal skarn deposits are associated with Tertiary calc-alkaline magmatism and include the economically most important deposits. We will visit Ovacık (Au), Tepeoba (Cu, Mo, Au), Balya (Pb, Zn) active operations and Kestanelik (Au), TV Tower (Au, Ag, Cu), and Halilağa (Au, Cu, Mo) deposits. Discussions on the current understanding of the geology, genesis of the deposits, discovery history, and key outcrops and deposit visits will be the main focus of the trip. In addition to site visits, participants will have the opportunity to visit the ancient cities of Troy and Pergamon on the return trip to İzmir.
Attendee Maximum: 20 (only 6 spots left!)
Date: September 21-24, 2016
Location: Departing from and returning to İzmir, Turkey
Leader: Cengiz Demirci | Ph.D., M.Sc., SAIMM; General Manager, Asia Minor Mining
This excursion will examine the depositional mechanism, mineralogical setting, and operational characteristics of borate deposits in the Western Turkey district. The largest global borate deposits known are in central and western Turkey, including the Kırka (Eskişehir), Emet (Kütahya), and Bigadiç (Balıkesir). Turkey produces about half of the global yearly demand, through Eti Mine Works (Turkish: Eti Maden İşletmeleri), a Turkish state-owned mining and chemicals company focusing on boron products. It holds a government monopoly on the mining of borate minerals in Turkey, which possesses 72% of the world's known deposits.
The deposits in the Emet and Kırka region are mainly Ca-borate and Na-borate, respectively. The Kırka deposit appears to be the largest Na-borate deposit in the world. This is an opportunity for discussion of pertinent topics: Why is Emet mostly colemanite with no borax, whereas Kırka is predominantly borax? What is so different in the origin of the very rare sodium borate deposits? What is the mechanism of the hydrothermal leaching of boron from upper crustal sediments and ophiolites as a possible major contributor to boron in the lacustrine brine? What is the role of marine sediments?
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 21-24, 2016
Location: Departing from Belgrade, Serbia and returning to İzmir, Turkey
Leader: Tim Livesey | Chief Operating Officer, Reservoir Minerals Inc.
The focus of this trip is on gaining an understanding of the geology and metallogeny related to the Timok Magmatic Complex (TMC), located in the Timok Mountains of eastern Serbia, ~150 km SE of the capital, Belgrade. The TMC itself is an approximately north-south, lozenge-shaped belt of extrusive and intrusive units emplaced during the late Cretaceous.
The trip will help us build a geologic framework in which to place the many varied mineral deposits of the district. Bor Region, has been mined for over a century, has a total of over 23 Moz gold and 14 Mt copper endowment. The trip will include overview of RTB's Bor and Veliki Krivelj open pit Cu-Au porphyry deposits and operations, Freeport's Cukaru Peki JV deposit (Cu-Au epithermal and porphyry) and Avala's sediment-hosted Bigar Hill and Korkan epithermal gold deposits. There will be also opportunity to review the drill cores from Cukaru Peki and sediment-hosted gold deposits.
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 29-30, 2016
Location: Departing from and returning to İzmir, Turkey
Leaders: Yücel Öztaş | Chief Geologist (Kışladağ)
Nadir Aslan | Chief Geologist (Efemçukuru)
TUPRAG Metal Madencilik San. Tic. A.S. (subsidiary of Eldorado Gold Corporation)
The Eldorado's Kışladağ porphyry and Efemçukuru epithermal vein gold deposits are two of main gold mines located in western Turkey. This trip will visit their flagship Kışladağ open pit and Efemçukuru underground operations, and through a combination of presentations and inspections of the selected drill core, the current understanding of the geology and genesis of the deposits will be discussed. Participants will also have an opportunity to have a tour and Q&A in ALS Lab near İzmir and examine details of Sardes historical site on the way to Kışladağ. All trip participants will be guests of Eldorado and will need to abide by the occupational health and safety requirements of the operations while on site.
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 29 - October 2, 2016
Location: Departing from İzmir, Turkey and returning to İstanbul/Ankara, Turkey
Leaders: Professor Vedat Toprak | Energy Projects Manager, Asia Minor Mining
Bahri Yıldız | General Manager, Stratex Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret ltd. Sti. (subsidiary of the Stratex International Plc, UK)
Central Anatolia is part of the Tauride-Anatolide block. There are two types of Au deposits in the district. The first includes the high sulfidation-type Au-Ag and high level Au porphyry deposits related to a stratovolcano that occurred in the Miocene-Pliocene volcanic belt, including the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, observed between Tauride on the south and Anatolide on the north. The other type includes the thrust-related, structurally controlled gold deposits (Kaymaz and Himmetdede) occurring in the Anatolian block. The Kaymaz gold deposit, associated with the listwanite in the serpentinite, and Himmetdede gold deposits, hosted in the limestone, will be visited. In addition to these, we will see the Öksüt high sulfidation epithermal deposit and study the Develidağ eroded stratovolcano, HS type alteration and mineralization, diatreme and phreatic breccia in the Upper Miocene-Pliocene age andesitic volcanics. Participants will examine drill core from the deposit. In addition, we will visit the Miocene-Quaternary Central Anatolia Volcanic Province, which is composed of ignimbrite and lava flows. Finally, old cave houses and churches that were dug at about 300 BC by the first Christians around the Cappadocia will be examined.
All trip participants will be guests of Koza and Centerra and will need to abide by the occupational health and safety requirements of the operations while on each site.
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 29 - October 2, 2016
Location: Departing from İzmir, Turkey and returning to İstanbul, Turkey
Leaders: Kemal Revan | Ph.D., General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA–Trabzon)
Deniz Göç | Ph.D., General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA–Trabzon)
The Eastern Pontides District is richly endowed in world-class Kuroko type Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) base metal mineralization and related deposit styles. Key examples of these systems will be examined, including Murgul, Çayeli and Lahanos-Kızılkaya deposits. The Murgul, Lahanos- Kızılkaya and Çayeli volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits occur in the Eastern Pontide tectonic belt, one of the major tectonic units comprising Anatolia. They are hosted by Late Cretaceous dacitic to rhyolitic rocks overlain by thin layers of pelitic sediments. Çayeli is currently being mined by First Quantum for zinc and copper. Murgul and Lahanos deposits are operated by Eti Bakir for base metals. Although Lahanos and Kızılkaya deposits mined out in the past for zinc and copper, both are now subject to new drillings to develop new reserves. The region is considered as one of the major metallogenic district since it is a host to numerous Kuroko VMS deposits with varying sizes and reserves and with fairly similar geochemical and mineralogical characteristics.
All trip participants will be guests of First Quantum and Eti Bakir during Çayeli and Murgul-Lahanos visits respectively and will need to abide by the occupational health and safety requirements of the operation while on site.
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 29 - October 2, 2016
Location: Departing from İzmir, Turkey and returning to İstanbul, Turkey
Leaders: Serge Smolonogov | Geology Manager, Alacer Gold Corp.
Devrimer Yavuz | Chief Geologist, Alacer Gold Corp.
The field tour provides an overview of Paleogene Çöpler epithermal and porphyry deposit of Eastern Turkey. The trip will include Çöpler gold operations and prospects in the district. Participants will have a chance to observe some of the characteristic geology and mineralization of Paleogene magmatic complex within the Western Tethys. The Çöpler epithermal Au deposit and related sub-economic porphyry Cu-Au deposit is hosted by the middle Eocene Çöpler-Kabataş magmatic complex in central eastern Anatolia. The intrusive rocks of the complex were emplaced into Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic metamorphosed sedimentary basement rocks near the northeastern margin of the Tauride-Anatolide Block. The deposit is located along the northern flanks of the Munzur Mountains, roughly 3 km southeast of the Euphrates River.
All trip participants will be guests of Alacer (Anagold) and will need to abide by the occupational health and safety requirements of the operations while on site.
Attendee Maximum: 20
Date: September 29 - October 3, 2016
Location: Departing from and returning to İzmir, Turkey
Leaders: Dr. Panagiotis Voudouris | Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Chris Siron | Eldorado Gold Corporation
Dr. István Márton | Dundee Precious Metals Inc, Toronto, Canada and University of Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
This field trip will introduce participants to the geology and mineralization that characterizes selected gold deposits in Greece and Bulgaria. It will include site visits to Eldorado's gold operations and development projects in Greece and Dundee's gold deposit in Bulgaria.
The Skouries porphyry gold-copper deposit is a Miocene pencil-porphyry stock that intruded into schists and gneisses within the Serbo-Macedonian Massif. The Olympias and Stratoni orebodies are Au-Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu carbonate replacement deposits hosted in marbles of the southern Rhodope core complex. Sapes Au-Cu-Te deposit is a telescoped porphyry-epithermal system with spectacular outcrops of advanced argillic alteration within an eroded Oligocene volcanic edifice. Perama Hill is an epithermal high sulphidation gold deposit hosted within sandstone, conglomerate and andesite of the Petrota graben. Dundee's Adatepe development project located in south of the town of Krumovgrad in southeastern Bulgaria is an epithermal low sulphidation adularia-sericite gold-silver deposit hosted within Paleocene sedimentary rocks overlying the Kessebir core complex. Kavala is a newly-recognized intrusion-related gold system (IRGS) with gold-rich sheeted veins hosted within the Miocene Kavala granodiorite. The field tour will also include touristic site visits in both countries.
All trip participants will be guests of Eldorado and Dundee and will need to abide by the occupational health and safety requirements of the operations while on site.
Attendee Maximum: 20