This joint SEG-CODES Conference will include key presentations from leaders in research and industry on the discovery of world-class ore deposits, their geology and the recovery of metals from ores, and cover the issues and controversies that affect exploration. Key sub-themes with new examples:
- Theme 1: Ores in subduction-related arcs: new examples; relations and controls (David Cooke)
- Theme 2: Ores in sedimentary environments: new examples; sources, transport, deposition and hydrology (Ross Large)
- Theme 3: Magmatic deposits: new examples; characteristics and mechanisms (Steve Barnes)
- Theme 4: Geometallurgy through the mining chain (Julie Hunt)
- Theme 5: Post-collisional ores: new examples; characteristics, relationships and genesis (Anthony Harris)
- Theme 6: IOCG and magnetite-apatite deposits: similarities, differences, controls and genesis (Garry Davidson)
- Theme 7: Iron Deposits (Victoria Hough)
- Theme 8: Exploration under cover (Roger Skirrow-SGA Session)
- Theme 9: Mining geology (Margie Scott)
Short courses will look at skarn deposits, sediment-hosted gold deposits, footprints of major mineralizing systems, and uranium deposits. Field trips will visit major mining districts in Australia, Indonesia, and New Zealand.
SEG and CODES look forward to welcoming you to this unique part of the world and hope you can extend your visit to enjoy some of the best Tasmania has to offer – the food, wine, museums, and wilderness.
Hobart is worth the distance, in what is truly a glorious city. The conference venue is spectacular, looking out across the broad water of the Derwent River. We have pulled out all stops to devise a technical program that cannot help but be of interest to everyone — from industry to academia: with wide-ranging plenary talks covering key issues that affect all of us. There is an innovative series of "trifecta" talks covering key aspects of some of the world's greatest ore bodies; an extremely varied technical program spanning a wide spectrum of themes; a diverse range of short courses led by experts; and exciting field trips to must-visit places, just for the scenery, if not for the spectacular geology. This is the conference to attend with your family, and will deliver to them and you a truly memorable time that you will cherish forever, and never forget — trust us. And there is an added incentive, it has never been cheaper for quite some time to visit Australia; the Australian dollar exchange rate is lower now than it has been for many years, against most currencies. Now is the time to treat yourself, and your family, to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We look forward to seeing you in Hobart and saying gooday!
Noel White, Penrose Gold Medal winner and Dan Wood, Officer of the Order of Australia