Title: Geophysics; Creating Wealth and Reducing Risk through the Mineral Cycle

KEN WITHERLY (co-chair), Condor Consulting, Inc., ken@condorconsult.com
JOHN GINGERICH (co-chair), Geotechnical Business Solutions, john.gingerich@rogers.com
JIM GOUVEIA, Rose & Assoc., jimgouveia@roseassoc.com
GRIGORE SIMON, Newmont, Grigore.Simon@Newmont.com
CHARLES PRETORIOUS, Anglo American , CPretorious@angloamerican.co.za
AL KING, Inco, kinga@inco.com
PETER KOWALCZYK, Placer Dome, Peter_Kowalczyk@placerdome.com
TOM WHITING, BHP Billiton, Tom.H.Whiting@BHPBilliton.com
JOHN MCGAUGHEY, Mira Geoscience, johnm@mirageoscience.com
ROB GORDON, Quantec, rgordon@quantecgeoscience.com

Fees: By March 1, 2006. $295 Member, $395 Nonmember, $150 Student

This one-day workshop will examine how the application of geophysical technology can be managed to aid in the generation of wealth and the reduction of risk through the entire cycle of the minerals exploitation business. Traditionally, exploration managers perceived that the main value of geophysical technology was at the front-end of the process typically finding anomalies to then be pursued as possible new deposits, usually in greenfields settings. In the last 20 years, a number of groups have come to regard geophysical technology as a means to add value and reduce risk at all stages of the minerals cycle: exploration, mining, and subsequent site remediation and monitoring.

The workshop will feature presentations by leaders in the industry who will outline how geophysical technology is being used to:

  1. facilitate discovery in the most challenging exploration environments
  2. create opportunities for commercial partnering (Falcon or NewTEM models)
  3. integrate geophysical outcomes with exciting new developments in modeling and visualization
  4. renew and expand wealth generation in mature camps (Sudbury, WA nickel models)
  5. contribute to clearer and better decision making as part of a risk-based opportunity portfolio (borrowed from oil & gas industry)